
Biomutant patch 1.4 ps4
Biomutant patch 1.4 ps4

After the 3rd boss you get a checkpoint at the start of the 4th world. You still need to run through world 1 again where you respawn and then through world 3 where the 3rd boss is. you die during the 3rd boss, you will respawn at the start of Act 1 (1st world where the game started), but you can head straight for the 3rd boss and completely skip the 2nd world. You can skip the bosses you’ve already defeated. The only thing that’s scripted is the boss fights. This means you can’t just memorize it like other linear games because it’s different each try. After you die the world gets randomized again.See Overview of What You Lose & What You Keep after Dying. There’s also no character leveling system in the game, no way to permanently boost your stats between deaths. You lose all your health upgrades, all your weapons, all your weapon proficiency, all your inventory etc. If you die you lose your progress and respawn with practically nothing. The game works similar to Wolfenstein 2 “Mein Leben” difficulty. If you die, you respawn at the start of the act. One after act 1 (after 3rd boss), one after act 2 (after 5th boss). There are 2 checkpoints during the story.


Act 1 = Biome 1-3 / Act 2 = Biome 4-5 / Act 3 = Endgame Free Roam.

  • There are 6 Worlds (Biomes) & 5 Bosses in total & 3 Acts in total.
  • There are no difficulty settings, it’s the same hardcore experience for everyone.
  • You can’t “cheat” it by backing up your save game, because it requires you to close the application and the game wipes you out when you do this (when you go to back up your save you will respawn at the start of the act). However, you can skip bosses / regions you’ve already finished and head straight for the next boss.
  • If you die, exit the game, or turn off the console you basically lose your progress, with the exception of a handful of permanent unlocks. Getting all collectibles (needed for gold survey trophies) comes down to luck. It’s a game of the “Roguelike” genre, and odds are you’ve never played a game like this before, because there has never been an AAA game like this before. First, let’s start by going over what Returnal actually is. Welcome to the Returnal Trophy Guide! It’s a “Get Good & Get Lucky” type of platinum. You can continue to Free Roam after Act 3.
  • Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Yes, Free Roam unlocks after Act 2.
  • biomutant patch 1.4 ps4

  • Minimum Playthroughs: 1, but you’ll have to replay each biome (region) many times to get the randomized collectibles.
  • Does difficulty affect trophies?: No, there are no difficulty settings (it’s the same difficulty for everyone).
  • biomutant patch 1.4 ps4

    Glitched trophies: 0 since patch 1.4.0 (before the patch some story trophies would randomly not unlock but this was fixed with the patch and they should unlock retroactively if they glitched on you before).Number of missable trophies: 0 since patch 1.4.0.Online Trophies: 2 (1, 1 ) – In-Field Training, Helios –> always be connected to PSN while playing this game! It tracks your progress through the Activity Cards (particularly Survey trophies) and if you’re not online it can glitch out many trophies due to faulty tracking!.

    biomutant patch 1.4 ps4

    If you consider yourself an experienced trophy hunter and you aren’t terribly unlucky with collectibles, expect around 70ish hours). One player might have plat in 50 hours, another might die twice as much and has half the luck so could be double the time. Also, the required collectibles for the survey trophies are randomized and it comes down to pure luck to find them all, hence the time requirement can vary greatly from person to person. Some players are beating the story in 10 hours, others are still stuck in the 2nd world after 20 hours.

    biomutant patch 1.4 ps4

    The game isn’t very long but needs lots of retries. Fast players can do it in under 70h, some players might need 100h+. Average of about 30h for story and 40h for grinding out the gold survey trophies. Approximate amount of time to platinum: 50h-100h+ (unpredictable, hard to even rate this because the game is randomly generated and entirely skill-dependent, so will vary widely.Estimated trophy difficulty: 8.5/10 average (entirely skill-dependent, experienced players might find it to be a 7/10, some won’t beat the story and will find it to be a 10/10).

    Biomutant patch 1.4 ps4